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Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers

Since 1979, North Carolina Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) have been leaders in this internationally acclaimed program, guiding homeowners in making environmentally sound decisions in their landscapes. Trained by North Carolina State University faculty and staff, EMGVs provide research-based information about gardening and environmental stewardship to individuals and communities across the state. EMGVs engage the community through education and outreach on a wide variety of subjects and through a broad spectrum of projects, all designed to maximize their impact.

Hammerhead Worm (Bipalium kewense) Picture from Matt Bertone NCSU

Aliens Among Us?

Some things that you see in horticulture just don’t seem natural…sometimes they almost seem like they are alien! Have you …

The Angel Oak's massive branches reach nearly 100 feet from the trunk of the tree. Photo: Charlotte Fox

The Angel Oak

I had the opportunity to travel to Charleston, South Carolina a few weeks back to attend a meeting with …

Deadly Nightshade

Gardener Beware

To a plant guy like me, plants are always pretty cool. Plants are energy producers in that they can …

Various Herbicides

There's an "Icide" for That!

This time of year, with every passing warm day, a hot topic has been spraying herbicides on home lawns. I …

Cover photo for Got Boxwoods, Have Problems?

Got Boxwoods, Have Problems?

I’ve been in and out of town the last few weeks with conferences, workshops, and training. While I am …

Cover photo for Urban Trees

Urban Trees

Urban trees have a tough row to hoe! Imagine, if you will, living in starvation for most of your …

Cover photo for What Is My Favorite Season?

What Is My Favorite Season?

My youngest daughter, Willa Grace (6), asked me what my favorite season is this week. I really had to …